On 19 September 2009 Miguel Angel García Oca was elected as President of FIMITIC on the occasion of the FIMITIC Delegates´ Conference in Spa Topolsica, Slovenia.
Bonn, October 10, 2005 - Nigel Brander, Ireland, is elected President of the Executive Board of FIMITIC on the occasion of the FIMITIC Delegates´ Conference in Nottwil (near Lucerne), Switzerland, on October 8, 2005.
Bonn, March 1, 2005 - The Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia (Sojuz na Telesno Invalidiziranite Lica na Makedonija - STILM -), Skopje, at the last FIMITIC Executive Board meeting in Budapest earlier this year was unanimously admitted new full member.FIMITIC is looking forward to a fruitful co-operation with STILM !
For more information read the following documents submitted by STILM:
- STILM Activity report 2003
- Working program 2005
Budapest, January 28-30, 2005
The FIMITIC Executive Board met in Budapest on January 28-30, 2005 to tackle key issues regarding Tsunami and impact on disabled people, and the forthcoming FIMITIC Delegates´ Conference to take place on October 5-9, 2005 in Nottwil (nearby Luzern), Switzerland, in co-operation with the Swiss member association - procap.The FIMITIC Executive Board met in Budapest on January 28-30, 2005 to tackle key issues regarding
1. Tsunami and impact on disabled people
FIMITIC which traditionally meets with members in countries of its advisory body meetings recently met in Tallinn on July 08-11, 2004 in response of the joint evaluation of the disability policy situation which called on to speed up its work and adapt to the need of ever - increasing demands of its member countries.
Tallinn, Estonia, July 8-11, 2004
At its recent meeting in Tallinn the FIMITIC Executive Board in its two day consultation within a first review of its campaign to achieve non-discrimination legislation in the member countries tried to identify the factors to strengthen the movement of persons with physical disability by awareness raising, influencing the decision making process, promoting logistic and dynamic and initiating model programmes to make disabled people visible.
The FIMITIC Executive Board met on October 3-4, 2003 in Bratislava to reflect the historically achieved during half a century of the Federations´ existence and at the same time to ensure further on that the role and involvement of people with physical disability will be incorporated in any decision on their working and living conditions.It is most essential that the rights of involvement and participation of disabled people are translated into practice if the expanded EU is to form a cohesive entity in a huger area taking into account the variety of their traditions and experiences an
The FIMITIC Executive Board attended the International AHNR Seminar
entitled "Accessibility - A Matter of Dignity for the Whole Society", taking place on July 11, 2003 at Hotel Parc in Bucharest.
The FIMITIC Executive Board held its meeting on July 10 and 12 at Hotel Parc in Bucharest on invitation of its Romanian member, the Association of the Neuromotor Handicapped in Romania - AHNR -.
Marking FIMITIC´s fiftieth year in 2003 its Executive Board took the Bucharest meeting opportunity