The FIMITIC Executive Board met on October 3-4, 2003 in Bratislava to reflect the historically achieved during half a century of the Federations´ existence and at the same time to ensure further on that the role and involvement of people with physical disability will be incorporated in any decision on their working and living conditions.It is most essential that the rights of involvement and participation of disabled people are translated into practice if the expanded EU is to form a cohesive entity in a huger area taking into account the variety of their traditions and experiences an
With the Executive Board meeting two days ahead, at the beginning of October 2003 in Bratislava representatives of FIMITIC and its Slovak member association, the Slovak Federation of Physically Disabled People, met to discuss the present situation of disabled people in Slovak Republic and to agree on the common first steps to be taken by disabled people on their way the country will join the European Union in May of next year.