The Budapest Hotel Panda is situated in the green Buda Hills and was recently renovated. The owners of this hotel have decided to give job opportunities to those who don´ t get them very often. Most of the employees of the Hotel Panda are handicapped.
Bonn, March 1, 2005 - The Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia (Sojuz na Telesno Invalidiziranite Lica na Makedonija - STILM -), Skopje, at the last FIMITIC Executive Board meeting in Budapest earlier this year was unanimously admitted new full member.FIMITIC is looking forward to a fruitful co-operation with STILM !
For more information read the following documents submitted by STILM:
- STILM Activity report 2003
- Working program 2005
Budapest, January 28-30, 2005
The FIMITIC Executive Board met in Budapest on January 28-30, 2005 to tackle key issues regarding Tsunami and impact on disabled people, and the forthcoming FIMITIC Delegates´ Conference to take place on October 5-9, 2005 in Nottwil (nearby Luzern), Switzerland, in co-operation with the Swiss member association - procap.The FIMITIC Executive Board met in Budapest on January 28-30, 2005 to tackle key issues regarding
1. Tsunami and impact on disabled people