
The new elected President: Miguel Angel García Oca

On 19 September 2009 Miguel Angel García Oca was elected as President of FIMITIC on the occasion of the FIMITIC Delegates´ Conference in Spa Topolsica, Slovenia.

FIMITIC Biannual work programme for 2010 - 2011

During the following years, FIMITIC will work on various aspects so as to be able to improve the situation of all people with physical disabilities all over Europe.

Here are the objectives:

FIMITIC Delegates' Conference and ZDIS International Employability Conference

FIMITIC and the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia ZDIS held events from 17 to 19 September in Spa Topolšica in Slovenia. The international conference the venue and the technical conditions were organized by the ZDIS. The administrative part official documents such as invitation, preliminary agenda, call for registration, statutory matters etc. was done by the FIMITIC Secretariat. 

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