Marjan Kroflič

Possibilities and Ways and Exchange of Information inside FIMITIC Family

Marjan Kroflič, former FIMITIC Vice-president from the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia, submitted on the FIMITIC delegates conference power point presentation on the possible ways of exchange information inside FIMITIC. To get information on disability issues is not possible only trough questionaires from the members but also from the internet.

The campaign led by organizations of people with disabilities in Slovenia to include 'disability' into Article 14 of the Slovene Constitution has successfully been finished!

Human rights are by all means a constitutional category in the Republic of Slovenia. In the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Journal of RS, No. 33/1991) Article 14 of Chapter 2 (Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) lays down that to everyone are ensured equal human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Europe of Equal Citizens - Address by Marjan Kroflic

European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003

FIMITIC Events in Rome, Italy, April 4, 2003

Topic: “Europe of Equal Citizens. A Society for All” 

at Teatro Olympico

Address by Marjan Kroflic, Vice-President, FIMITIC

Great Manifestation of the European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003

Rome, Olimpico Theater, April 4, 2003

Great Manifestation of the European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003


Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of FIMITIC

Rome, Campidoglio, Promoteca Hall, April 3, 2003

The ceremony with reception offered by the Municipality of Rome was attended by representatives of 15 FIMITIC member countries. Addresses at this marking fiftieth year event were given by Mr. Giovanni Pagano, the National President of the FIMITIC´s Italian member association  ANMIC (National Association of Disabled and Civil Invalids), Mr. Marjan Kroflič, Vice-President, FIMITIC, and Mrs. Ileana Argentin, the responsible person in charge of the policy of disabled people in Rome.

"TOWARDS EMPLOYABILITY: Equal Opportunities - Employability for Persons with Disabilities" - just published

Bonn,Germany, 17.02.2003

The International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability - FIMITIC and the Slovenian Member Association, the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia have just published the report of the FIMITIC Congress 2001 in Prague, Czech Republic, with the main topic "TOWARDS EMPLOYABILITY  Equal Opportunities - Employability for Persons with Disabilities". The edition was published with the financial support given by the Slovenian Government Office for the Informatics.

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