The Federation „Byelorussian Society of the Handicapped“ - BSH - already approached in 2002 the Ministry for Work and Social Protection of the Republic Belarus with the proposal to support the EU Council Decision to declare 2003 as the Year of People with Disabilities in Belarus. BSH fixed the whole complex of measures with focus on the following problems:
The European Year of People with Disabilities 2003 for our association was the Year with many activities.
President of CUPDPA was at the same time appointed President of the Committee for the European Year of People with Disabilities. The Committee programme submitted with the first report shows many activities as round tables, cultural events etc.
The Polish Association of Disabled People in Krakow (PSON) is herewith informing about activities of PSON in 2003 and the most important items to be implemented in 2004 as follows:
On the national level during 2003 the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia (ZDIS) has organized the following events:
Traditionally the FIMITIC President Marija-Lidija Stiglic was invited to attend the annual Polio-Day event in Kromsdorf Castle nearby Weimar, Thuringia, Germany, giving a presentation of FIMITIC´s work especially on the outcome of the European Year of Disabled People 2003, the efforts after the EU-Enlargement with specific impact on disabled people, the campaigns after the EU-Parliament elections, and the concept to achieve non-discrimination legislation in the member countries. She underlined the need of an Equality Act for disabled people in Thuringia.
A few of the final reports for EYPD 2003 have been submitted by our members.
You can view the reports here.
During the closing Event of the EYPD 2003 in Rome the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Dr. Vladimir Dimovski has in the Plenary session presented "AjdovššÄina - city friendly for people with disabilities" as a project developed by Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia during the European Year 2003.
During their Council meeting on 1. and 2. December 2003, the Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs, adopted the conclusions on the follow up of the European Year of People with Disabilities.
These Conclusions invite the current and acceding Member States to pro-actively mainstream disability issues into relevant policy areas and to transpose and fully apply the Directive for equal treatment in employment and occupation.
Rome, San Giovanni Addolorata, December 5-7, 2003
The Action plan, which will run from 2004 to 2010, demonstrates the commitments of the Commission to concrete follow-up of the designation of 2003 as European Year of People with Disabilities.
Relevant link to EU website.