Europe of Equal Citizens - Address by Marjan Kroflic

European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003

FIMITIC Events in Rome, Italy, April 4, 2003

Topic: “Europe of Equal Citizens. A Society for All” 

at Teatro Olympico

Address by Marjan Kroflic, Vice-President, FIMITIC

Mister Chairman,
honoured guests,
Ladies and Gentleman,

dear friends,        


It is an honour to bring you the solidarity greetings on behalf of the International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability - FIMITIC -, its President Marija-Lidija Stiglic, who unfortunately due to a very sudden illness can not be personally present in Rome, on behalf of the FIMITIC Board and all the member associations.


Usually we talk about disability issues between ourselves as insiders. With this manifestation today, let us use our insight to convince others, first of all the decision-makers, to act in favour of disabled people to become equal citizens in every day life!


Disabled people joined in FIMITIC form a very diverse and specific group of citizens   faced with many different barriers for their inclusion into society.


Social exclusion from society is for us as disabled citizens unacceptable, and we hope, that together with our partners from the European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe, the European Disability Forum and the European Trade Union Confederation , represented here we all will become stronger and reach more in building a social future Europe.


On the occasion of the European Year of People with Disabilities this wish becomes more realistic.

Thank you for your attention!