Rome, Olimpico Theater, April 4, 2003
Great Manifestation of the European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003
More than 800 participants from Italy (members of the host association and the FIMITIC´s Italian member association ANMIC from all country regions) and 17 member delegations from 15 member countries were present in this outstanding marking event, organised by FIMITIC in cooperation with ANMIC under the auspices of the European Year of People with Disabilities - 2003 - in Rome.
Persons with Physical Disability, representing European member associations from throughout Europe participated in the debates of campaigning how to be stronger together in building a social Europe, to exchange information and build an experience of organisations throughout an enlarged Europe, draw the attention of governments regarding human rights and equal opportunities in the field of employment, help to create a barrier free Europe, demonstrate how good the dialogue in social partnership is and to show the governments that the participating organisations need ideal and financial support to continue the work while campaigning for a disability-specific non-discrimination Directive.
The opening addresses at the great event were held by Mr. Giovanni Pagano, the National president of ANMIC, Italy and Mr. Marjan Kroflic, the FIMITIC Vice-President, Slovenia.
Addresses were given by representatives of the Italian Government, the Parliament and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
Thematic Panel discussions led by Dr. Carlo Romeo, head of the social department of the Italian RAI state TV, were held on “Equalization of Opportunities - Strategies for People with Disabilities - Inclusion instead of Exclusion - Social Policy in Europe meeting the needs of People with Disabilities”. Papers were presented by Mr. Donald Tait, European Commission - EC - Employment and Social Affairs Directorate-General, Brussels, Mario Mantovani, MEP, European Parliament -EP -, Disability Intergroup and Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels, Mr. Thorsten Afflerbach, Council of Europe - CE -, Partial Agreement in the Social and public Health Field, Directorate of Social Affairs and Health, Directorate General III – Social Cohesion, Strasbourg, Mr. Yannis Vardakastanis, President, European Disability Forum - EDF- Brussels and Mr. Jean Lapeyre, Deputy Secretary General, European Trade Union Confederation - ETUC -, Brussels.
The lectures were received favourably by the participants and the conclusions have shown the urgent need of follow-up discussions and actions in the field.
The FIMITIC members during their periodical Delegates Conference on April 5, 2003 adopted a Rome resolution dealing with priority socio-political issues as outcome of the event.
On this occasion, Mr. Marjan KrofliÄ, Vice-President of FIMITIC presented the Gold medal of FIMITIC to Mr. Giovanni Pagano, the National President of ANMIC, in recognition of the AssociationÂ’s efforts to integrate persons with disabilities into work, vocation and society on a national and international level as well as for outstanding achievements in the socio-political sector.
Address by Marjan KrofliÄ at Olimpico Theater
Instruments and Activities of the Council of Europe - Donald Tait
Towards full citizenship of people with disabilities- Thorsten Afflerbach