Marjan KrofliÄ, former FIMITIC Vice-president from the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia, submitted on the FIMITIC delegates conference power point presentation on the possible ways of exchange information inside FIMITIC. To get information on disability issues is not possible only trough questionaires from the members but also from the internet.
The power point presentation shows some examples. It is easy to find out that all countries have long-term benefits for people, who become disabled during working life. But we must be careful - the names are different - for example: 'invalidity', 'disability', 'pension' or 'allowance' and all are contributory benefits.
In some countries there is a partition between disability causally related to work (Austria, Belgium,Cyprus, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Norway,Portugal, Slovenia, Swizterland, UK) and disabilities due to common diseases. Hungary is planing to have this dual sistem in the future. Only in Sweden disability is a term of reference referred not only to an occupational or non-occupational cause, but also to a social cause!
Benefits for children with disabilities are mainly family allowances to cover home care, assistance, extra costs and education.
There is a high prevalence of countries where usually allowances and personal assistance is regulated at national/federal level. Region/municipalities have duty in implemeting or delivering services.
Examples about provisions at regional and/or local level mainly concerning technical aids, housing and transport.
View the presentation (pdf)
Sources and Recommended Bibliography
1) Equality and non-discrimination - Annual report 2005. -
State of implementation of the directives (2005) in EU Member States, pg. 16-18.
Equality bodies (or similar entities) in EU Member States, pg. 25-26
(2) Equal Rights in Practice, Issue 4. Autumn 2005 -
(3) Equal Rights in Practice, Key Voices 2005, Access to Justice -
(4) Prof.O.De Schutter: The Prohibition of Discrimination under European Human Rights Law - Relevance for EU Racial and Employment Equality Directives (2005)
(5) Patrick Simon (INED - Economie & Humanisme): Comparative Study on the collection of data to measure the extent and impact of discrimination within the United States , Canada , Australia , Great-Britain and the Netherlands (2004) -
(6) Drs. M.M. van Santwoort, prof. Dr. W.J.A. van den Heuvel (2004). Learning from barriers in Europe - Descriptive analysis of the similarities and differences in disability policy in European countries . Institute for Rehabilitation Research -
(7) Disability and Social Exclusion in the European Union - Final study report (2002)
(8) COM (2005) 224 final
Communication from the commission to the council, the European parliament, the European economic and social committee and the committee of the regions
Non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all - a framework strategy
[Sec (2005) 689] -
(9) Green Paper - Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged European Union (June 2004) -
(10) European Anti-Discrimination Law Review , Issue No.1, April 2005 -
(11) ESWIN - European Social Welfare Information Network - ,
ESWIN the European Social Welfare Information Network was in operation between 1997 - 2005. ESWIN was administrated by the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Vienna in Austria ...
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