Rome, Hotel Domus Mariae, April 5, 2003
The statutory FIMITIC Delegates Conference took place on April 5, 2003 in Rome in presence of 17 FIMITIC member associations. In absence of the President, the meeting was chaired by Dr. Zorislav Bobus, Croatia. The following reports were approved unanimously:
Towards full citizenship of people with disabilities – Instruments and Activities of the Council of Europe
Thorsten Afflerbach
Administrative Officer
Responsible for co-ordinating the activities in the field of rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities
Partial Agreement in the Social and Public Health Field
Directorate of Social Affairs and Health
Directorate General III – Social Cohesion
Council of Europe
Equalisation of opportunities – strategies for people with disabilities
Donald Tait
DG Employment and social affairs
Unit for the integration of people with disabilities
European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003 FIMITIC Events in Rome, Italy, April 4, 2003 Topic: “Europe of Equal Citizens. A Society for All” at Teatro Olympico Address by Marjan Kroflic, Vice-President, FIMITIC
Rome, Olimpico Theater, April 4, 2003
Great Manifestation of the European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003
Rome, Campidoglio, Promoteca Hall, April 3, 2003
The ceremony with reception offered by the Municipality of Rome was attended by representatives of 15 FIMITIC member countries. Addresses at this marking fiftieth year event were given by Mr. Giovanni Pagano, the National President of the FIMITIC´s Italian member association ANMIC (National Association of Disabled and Civil Invalids), Mr. Marjan KrofliÄ, Vice-President, FIMITIC, and Mrs. Ileana Argentin, the responsible person in charge of the policy of disabled people in Rome.