
BULGARIA: Declaration on the recent situation with the disability movement

During the last few months there is a tendency for “seizing” the voices and “substituting” the requests of thousands people with disabilities from small organizations, representing the interests of few people with marked personal financial interests. This is not connected only with legislative non-observance in the sphere of disabled persons, including few state authorities and the Parliament, as well as attacks on the existing legislative regulations.

European Declaration Art, Culture, Media and Disability Launched

The European Declaration Art, Culture, Media and Disability has been launched by EUCREA International on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the European Year of People with Disabilities - EYPD - 2003 in Athens.

This declaration is a methodological tool and a conceptual framework aimed to increase public awareness and to mobilise all the resources and forces for the implementation or lasting measures and cultural policies in favour of disabled people.

FIMITIC Delegates´ Conference 2003

Rome, Hotel Domus Mariae, April 5, 2003

The statutory FIMITIC Delegates Conference took place o­n April 5, 2003 in Rome in presence of 17 FIMITIC member associations. In absence of the President, the meeting was chaired by Dr. Zorislav Bobus, Croatia. The following reports were approved unanimously:

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