Rome, Hotel Domus Mariae, April 5, 2003
The statutory FIMITIC Delegates Conference took place on April 5, 2003 in Rome in presence of 17 FIMITIC member associations. In absence of the President, the meeting was chaired by Dr. Zorislav Bobus, Croatia. The following reports were approved unanimously:
- Activity report of the President 2001 - 2003
- Treasurer´s report with annual accounts 2001 and 2002
- Coordinators´-Reports of Special Commission and Expert Groups (Accessibility, Employability, Internet - Networking, Social - Policy, Social Security Research, Women with Disability).
At the same time, during the session the activity of FIMITIC and its members with its rich and long experience as disseminators of good practices was demonstrated and signs of positive changes for a future-oriented activity programme was laid down.
The challenges for the next period were discussed analysing the achievements and shortcomings and setting up the priorities for the next period. The biannual work programme and the budget for 2003 - 2004 were adopted.
An effective discussion was hold on the European Year of People with Disabilities EYPD
- 2003- with a review, evaluation and perspectives. The member associations were asked to present a current state report from their countries and possible involvement of the associations as to any initiatives, campaigns or events and action programmes, initiatives to influence their governments to include discrimination against disabled people on its political agenda, setting up of a coordinated body for the year with involvement of the associations, allocated funds, as well as specific country events planned in the country.
Any additional information on this issue will be collected and made widely known as soon as possible.
The delegates were aware of the significance of the current year and full of new commitments and prospects for the way forward.
With view to a FIMITIC concept for a decade to achieve non-discrimination legislation in the member countries the Swiss example of the present discussions and initiatives to introduce the equal rights for people with disabilities can be demonstrated with reference to Article 8 of the New Federal Constitution.
On the date of the 50th anniversary of FIMITIC on October 4t h, 2003, a Board meeting will take place in Belgium, its founding country, in 1953.
During the Delegates' Conference two documents were adopted:
- Rome Resolution on the EUROPEAN YEAR OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES - EYPD -2003- based on the results of the socio- political deliberations on the occasion of the great Rome manifestation hold the day before.
From FIMITIC Deleg... |