June 2006 started for CNDR with two important events – the General Assembly of CNDR members and the National Seminar with international participation “Activists and Advocates of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” organized by the National Disability Council from Romania (CNDR) in collaboration with the National Confederation of Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) from Greece and the financial support from the European Disability Forum (EDF).The main aim of the General Assembly of the Members of CNDR – its supreme leading body – was the election of the member
Romania / Arad, December 2, 2005 - The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, event proclaimed by the United Nations in 1992 and celebrated every year on the 3rd of December, will be marked on national level in Romania too within a national campaign of the civil society. "Take My Spot, Bear My Lot!" is the name of the campaign developed by 7 nongovernmental organizations that invite Romanian able-bodied citizens to understand the obstacles their fellow citizens with disabilities have to face when they try to live a decent life.
The Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia is developing the project "Disabled-Friendly Municipality" in accordance with its status of a representative disabled people's organization in Slovenia, its mission, goals and tasks as well as in accordance with international documents, especially in the spirit of Agenda 22, with the purpose of further encouraging local communities - municipalities to the planned and permanent activities leading to better quality of common life for all residents, especially the disabled in their environment, social inclusion of the disabled and their
Since the National Disability Council in Romania - CNDR became juridical person and an observer member of the European Disability Forum - EDF, the CNDR has the structure of a federation consisting of representative national organizations of persons with different disabilities from Romania as follows...
Vukovar and Zagreb - Croatia, December 1-4 2004 - As the umbrella organization of persons with disabilities in Croatia SOIH every year on December 3rd is organizing the traditional manifestation called "We are warning and reminding" during which every year come together representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities and local and governmental representatives.
A new law on "Equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities from Romania" is compulsory for the elaboration of a coherent disability policy within the accession process of Romania to the European Union.
Human rights are by all means a constitutional category in the Republic of Slovenia. In the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Journal of RS, No. 33/1991) Article 14 of Chapter 2 (Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) lays down that to everyone are ensured equal human rights and fundamental freedoms.
A few of the final reports for EYPD 2003 have been submitted by our members.
You can view the reports here.
During the last few months there is a tendency for “seizing” the voices and “substituting” the requests of thousands people with disabilities from small organizations, representing the interests of few people with marked personal financial interests. This is not connected only with legislative non-observance in the sphere of disabled persons, including few state authorities and the Parliament, as well as attacks on the existing legislative regulations.