A new law on "Equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities from Romania" is compulsory for the elaboration of a coherent disability policy within the accession process of Romania to the European Union.
On the proposal of the Association of Persons with Neuromotor Disability from Romania - AHNR- headquartered in Arad, a COALITION of the most active non-governmental organisations of persons with disabilities has been created in 2003. This Coalition consisting of eleven nongovermental organisations and representing the interests of over 300000 persons with disabilities from Romania elaborated, supports and diseminates the draft of the new disability legislation registered under the Nr. 226/08.06.2004 at the Standing Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies and forwarded to the Senate of the Romanian Parliament with the registration nr.L504/2004.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004, the Public Meeting "Why a new legislation?" with representatives of the government and governmental institutions has been organised in Bucharest.
Besides the representatives of the NGO Coalition there also were present representatives of: the Information Office of the Council of Europe in Bucharest, Ministry of Education and Research, ministry of Public Finances, Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism, National Agency for Employment, National Authority for the Child Protection and Adoptions, National Authority for Persons with Disabilities, National Council for Protection of the Family, Medical Board from Romania, National House of Health Ensurance, National Adult Training Board, Asociaþia Patronalã a Producãtorilor, Importatorilor ºi Furnizorilor de Dispozitive Medicale.
The existing legislation is not comprehensive It does not intervene in all stages of the disability (such as onset and detection) or in all the domains of social life, in order to favour the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.
In the legislation, special protection measures such as prevention, treatment, re-adaptation, education, training and social integration are mere statements, as there is no mechanism created which would allow their implementation. The policy in the field of disability/handicap is not coherent, being still based on a medical model, failing to concentrate on the equalisation of opportunities, on stimulating the independence and self-determination of disabled people.
The draft of the new legislation regulates: early trace and intervention, prevention of appearance of deficiency and its worsening, evaluation of disability, rehabilitation and medical services, support services, education of persons with disabilities, accessibilities for persons with disabilities, social and special protection, income assistance, evaluation, vocational guidance and re-conversion of persons with disabilities, training for the persons who participate in the process of training, education, rehabilitation and integration of persons with disabilities, family life and personal integrity, juridical protection of persons with disabilities.
The members of the Coalition develop a powerful lobby and advocacy activity adressed to the Romanian Parliament, political parties and national and local public administration to determine the voting of the draft disability legislation as soon as possible.
Coalition of non-governmental organisations from Romannia
I. National Disability Council from Romania
President: Mihail GRECU - National Association of the Deaf from Romania
Telefon: 021/311 30 61; Fax: 021/ 310 23 38; e-mail: mihailgrecu@yahoo.com
Vice-president: Radu Sergiu RUBA - Association of the Blind from Romania
Telefon/fax: 021/2506615; 2500519; e-mail: literanoastra@zappmobile.ro
1. Association of Persons with Neuromotor Disability from Romania –AHNR
Ioana Monica ANTOCI - president
Telefon/fax: 0257/280 451; e-mail: ahnrom@inext.ro
2. Association of the Blind from Romania
Teodor LEPÃDATU - president
Telefon/fax: 021/250 66 15/25 - 250 05 19; e-mail: centranero@home.ro
3. National Association of the Deaf from Romania
Mihail GRECU - president
Telefon/fax: 021/311 30 61; e-mail: ansr2003@yahoo.com
4. RENINCO Association, Romania
Ecaterina VRÃSMAª - president
Telefon/fax: 021/312 96 05; e-mail: arr@reninco.ro
5. ESTUAR Foundation
Roxana BRAGA - executive director
Telefon/fax: 021/332 29 10; e-mail: estuar@dnt.ro
6. National League of Associations for Supporting Persons with Mental Handicap in Romania
Emanuela LEAMPÃR - president
Telefon/fax: 021/312 74 89; e-mail: dizabilitati@dnt.ro
7. National Organisation of Disabled People in Romania (ONPHR)
Francisc SIMON - president
Telefon/fax: 021/222 52 20; e-mail: onphr@easynet.ro
II. Other Organisations:
1. Save the Children Romania - Gabriela ALEXANDRESCU - executive president
Telefon : 021/ 212 61 76; Fax: 021/ 312 44 86; e-mail: rosc@mb.roknet.ro
2. SENSE International România - Cristina SALOMIE - director
Telefon/fax: 021/ 413 9040 ; e-mai: csalomie@senseint.org.ro
3. Association for Persons with Somatique Disabilities - Maria COZEA - president
Telefon: 021/ 315 95 89: 3159590 Fax: 021/ 021 - 312 27 81: e-mail: ahsr@arexim.ro
4. Prader Willi Association from Romania - Dorica DAN - president
Telefon: 0260/616585; Fax: 0260/616585; e-mail: doricad@yahoo.com