June 2006 started for CNDR with two important events – the General Assembly of CNDR members and the National Seminar with international participation “Activists and Advocates of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” organized by the National Disability Council from Romania (CNDR) in collaboration with the National Confederation of Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) from Greece and the financial support from the European Disability Forum (EDF).The main aim of the General Assembly of the Members of CNDR – its supreme leading body – was the election of the member associations of the Committee of Directors as well as of the new president and vicepresident of CNDR for the next two years.
With a majority of 24 from 28 votes Mrs. Ioana Monica Antoci – President of the Association of Persons with Neuromotor Disability from Romania AHNR (headquartered in Arad) was elected as President of CNDR. As Vice-president of CNDR Mr. Mihai GRECU President of the National Association of the Deaf from Romania was elected.
The members of the Committee of Directors of CNDR are representatives of the following 7 organizations:
Association of Persons with Neuromotor Disability from Romania (AHNR) – Ioana Monica ANTOCI – President; National Association of the Deaf from Romania (ANSR) – Mihai GRECU – President; Association of the Blind from Romania (ANR) – Radu Sergiu RUBA – President; Association RENINCO Romania – Ecaterina VRÃSMAª – President; ESTUAR Fundation – Luminiþa COSTACHE – Executive Director; INCLUSION – Federation of organisations of persons with developmental disability from România – Emanuela LEAMPÃR – President; Association of Somatically Disabled People from Romania (AHSR) – Maria COZEA – President.
Beside these associations CNDR also has as members the National Organization of Persons with Disabilities (ONPHR), Association of Blind War Invalids from Romania and the Association of Deaf and Blind Persons from Romania.
Source: Press office of AHNR (Association of Persons with Neuromotor Disability from Romania)
Contact persons:
Ioana Monica Antoci – +40 257 280582, cell phone: +40 723 549 085
Ecaterina-Ani Jager – +40 257 272707, + 40 357 409 271