During the closing Event of the EYPD 2003 in Rome the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Dr. Vladimir Dimovski has in the Plenary session presented "AjdovššÄina - city friendly for people with disabilities" as a project developed by Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia during the European Year 2003. The project “AjdovššÄina - City friendly for people with disabilities” performed by the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia is in honor of the European Year of Persons with Disability - EYPD 2003. The aim of the project is to encourage municipalities to take into consideration different needs of all their citizens, as well disabled! In other words, they should first of all develop, encourage and acknowledge activities and measures:
To put this project into practice a special book of rules has been confirmed by the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia. This book of rules is about who deserves “City friendly for people with disabilities” Certificate. The book of rules speaks of procedures and criteria used to decide about which municipality deserves the Certificate. A special work group (in which there are members of disability organizations) investigates whether a certain municipality fulfills requirements through which the status of people with disabilities in it is assessed. The assessment is based on degree of implementing the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the Community.
The Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia has made a list of notes to be referred to when analyzing situations. It also includes elements needed to make work plans for a municipality mayor, council and managements as well as for local community institutions and organizations.
Every year local disability organization assesses municipalities according to the prescribed criteria for analysis. They then make their proposition to the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia about which municipality should get the “City friendly for people with disabilities” Certificate. The decision is then up to the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia administrative board.
After the muncipality has been chosen the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia and the muncipality make a special agreement. The agreement is about how the muncipality will carry out the project to obtain the »City friendly for people with disabilities” Certificate. According to the agreement the mayor, the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia and local disability organization have defined obligations. The plan of actions to carry out the action plan and to report on it is also part or the agreement. The mayor, the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia and local disability organization presidents are also signatories of the agreement.
The »City friendly for people with disabilities” Certificate is awarded by ZDIS yearly, on the International Disability Day (3rd December). The local disability organization that has actively participated in carrying out the »City friendly for people with disabilities” project receives a glass sculpture (a UN palace silhouette) as a reward.
At the end of EYDP 2003 the first muncipality to be awarded with the »»City friendly for people with disabilities” Certificate was city AjdovššÄina. The local »Organization of Disabled People *Vipava –AjdovššÄina« - »DrušÂštvo invalidov Vipava-AjdovšÄina« received the glass sculpture.