Since the National Disability Council in Romania - CNDR became juridical person and an observer member of the European Disability Forum - EDF, the CNDR has the structure of a federation consisting of representative national organizations of persons with different disabilities from Romania as follows...
Bonn, October 10, 2005 - Nigel Brander, Ireland, is elected President of the Executive Board of FIMITIC on the occasion of the FIMITIC Delegates´ Conference in Nottwil (near Lucerne), Switzerland, on October 8, 2005.
Bonn, March 1, 2005 - The Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia (Sojuz na Telesno Invalidiziranite Lica na Makedonija - STILM -), Skopje, at the last FIMITIC Executive Board meeting in Budapest earlier this year was unanimously admitted new full member.FIMITIC is looking forward to a fruitful co-operation with STILM !
For more information read the following documents submitted by STILM:
- STILM Activity report 2003
- Working program 2005
Brussels, February 16, 2005 - Proposal for first-ever European disability legislation announced by European Commission
The European Commission tabled a proposal for a Regulation on the rights of passengers with reduced mobility when travelling by air which will prohibit discrimination against disabled air passengers.
"Discrimination against disabled people is completely against the European Union ideal" says Vice-President of the European Commission, Jacques Barrot