
Regulation on the rights of air passengers with disabilities

Brussels, February 16, 2005 - Proposal for first-ever European disability legislation announced by European Commission

The European Commission tabled a proposal for a Regulation on the rights of passengers with reduced mobility when travelling by air which will prohibit discrimination against disabled air passengers.
"Discrimination against disabled people is completely against the European Union ideal" says Vice-President of the European Commission, Jacques Barrot

Publication: Legislation to counter discrimination against persons with disabilities (CoE, 2003)

This comparative analysis takes stock of existing legislation covering all areas of life such as education, mobility, accessibility, vocational guidance and training, employment, sports, leisure and culture, medical care, etc.

This report identifies three main approaches to achieve equality of opportunity: anti-discrimination legislation, preferential treatment and compensatory measures.This publication can be ordered from the Council of Europe:
Tel : +33/3/,
E-mail : publishing@coe.int,

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