on the work of the
Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia
for 2005
The following activities have been planned for 2005.
I Organizational activities:
Pursuant to the provisions as stipulated in the Statute the Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia in the course of 2005 shall continue its activities in view of registration of members by means of signing a membership form, and issuing membership cards as well as introducing a membership register in the Association branch Organizations.
Analytical and statistical data processing of the membership shall be performed on basis of membership forms.
The Association shall be working on the general improvement in respect of the spatial, material, personnel and other related issues of branch Organizations.
With respect to the promotion of health care of its members in the course of 2005 the activities of the Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia shall be aimed towards the following:
III Social protection
The activities in the field of social protection shall be focused on the following:
Taking initiatives for increasing the amount and regularity in payment of the:
There have been certain problems in the type and level of disability assessment procedure obstructing the accomplishment of the rights of the people with physical disability, thus the Association shall undertake an initiative in overcoming these problems by preparing own proposals and submitting these to the competent Ministries. One of the problems being the care of people with physical disabilities having more severe problems, the Association shall undertake and support any activities on creating mobile services for care of such persons at their homes by means of projects and other actions.
Activities in respect of the implementation of the elaboration for founding an Adult Persons with Physical Disability Center shall also continue in the next year.
IV Employment
The Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia shall work on promotion of the employment of disabled people through the following activities:
All the above activities the Association shall implement through its branch Organizations by means of commissions for monitoring the employment of the physically disabled, surveys, establishing data bases and their processing, proper information and education of our membership through "Feniks 86", by organizing appropriate events on the issue of employment and other respective methods.
V Education
The Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia shall initiate activities for timely inclusion of the persons with physical disability in the educational processes.
VI Architectural barriers
The Association activities regarding this issue shall be directed at the following activities:
VII Vacation and rehabilitation of members
The Association shall grant vacation and rehabilitation in our flats in Ohrid for 390 members which in fact is the full capacity of the facility. The conditions and method shall be regulated by a separate Rulebook.
In accordance with its financial resources the Association shall also cover 40 full boards in the spa centers in our country.
The following expenses shall be covered for this purpose:
VIII Sports and recreation
The Association of Physically Disabled Persons of Macedonia shall organize the following sports events in the course of the 2005:
The following expenses have been anticipated for realization of these activities:
In compliance with the financial resources the Association shall establish communication with similar organizations in other countries and international organizations for the purpose of participating at international competitions.
IX Cultural and leisure time activities
Activities anticipated for 2005:
Expenses anticipated for this event:
Organization of a quiz competition to be held in Strumica when 56 contestants - persons with physical disability shall participate.
Expenses anticipated for this event:
In compliance with the financial resources the Association is planning concert performances at the branch Organizations when 20 performers and 5 members of the "Feniks" musical ensemble shall participate.
Expenses anticipated for this event:
X City Organizations gatherings
In accordance with its timetable and financial resources the Association shall cover for the organization of at least three branch Organizations gatherings. The organization of such a gathering shall be assigned to the branch Organizations that will offer best program including organization of a seminar or other kind of discussion with representatives from government authorities, competent institutions, scientific and experts qualified in certain issues in the field of protection and position of persons with physical disability.
One general gathering shall be also organized on the occasion of the Day of the physically disabled on a date determined by the Executive Board of the Association.
The Association shall also finance the traditional New Year Gathering of physically disabled persons of Macedonia held in Skopje and the traditional cake-making event organized by the branch Organization of Strumica.
Organization of regional gatherings with shared finances shall also be encouraged.
XI Information activities
The Association shall continue its work on the publishing of "Feniks 86" including news of interest to the membership. The 40 pages magazine shall be printed quarterly in 1000 copies.
Expenses anticipated for this activity:
In accordance to its financial resources the Association shall also include numerous additions, brochures and other printed materials of interest to the members to the magazine.
In view of affirmation of its work and humanitarian activities the Association shall establish closer cooperation with any kind of informative media and make efforts these to cover as much of the disability issues as possible.
The members shall also receive pieces of information through various meetings, seminaries, worktables etc.
XII Regulations
The Association shall continue its mission in monitoring and taking active part by means of proposals, remarks and suggestions in view of changes and supplements to the regulations of interest and significance to the persons with physical disability. This shall refer in particular to regulations in the field of the health and social protection, employment, tax and customs regulations, barriers, regulations concerned with the invalid organizations status, local management etc.
Special efforts shall be undertaken for annulment of the health care participation, providing high quality health protection, increase the social allowances and compensations (for care and assistance from other persons, special allowances, perpetual subsidies etc., creating conditions for foster care of persons with physical disability who need such assistance, annulment of taxes and customs on accessories and supply of vehicles for the needs of certain disability categories, adopting changes and supplements to the regulations on employment thus improving the situation in this field and prohibit all the possible misuse by employers, adopting special legislation that shall regulate the invalid organizations status, providing adequate position of our disability organizations within the new local management regulations etc.
XIII Cooperation with other organizations
The Association shall continue its cooperation and shall attempt to establish relation to:
This program activity shall be implemented by organizing meetings between representatives of our and their organizations, their taking part during our events and meetings, providing information about our work, taking the opportunities offered by them etc.
XIV Conference
The Association shall organize a conference on certain topic of interest as determined by the Executive Board. Representatives of Government authorities, expert and scientific organizations and other relevant individuals involved in this issue shall take part during this conference as well as representatives from all the Association branch Organizations.
The following expenses have been anticipated for this activity:
The Conference shall produce conclusions that shall reflect on certain Association activities.
XV Financing
The Association shall undertake all the necessary initiatives and measures to provide stable and permanent working resources for the Association and its branch Organizations, and especially long term regulation of this issue, through the Budget of the R. Macedonia.
The Program is open and it can be supplemented in the course of the year.
Association of Physically
Disabled Persons of Macedonia
Miodrag Ignjatovic