Assessment and Accreditation of rehabilitation centres - The new International and European reality

Nottwill, Oktober 08. 2005 - National Federation of Mobility Impaired People - N.F.M.I.P Greece submitted by Vassilios Dimitriadis the following proposal for future FIMITIC work programme:

As we all know in most of the developed countries the rehabilitation centers and health services are dedicated to quality and customers satisfaction.

Unfortunately most of the East Block European and Balkan countries even though many of them are developed enough to meet the Western Europe standards and criteria don't give so much attention to the health services' quality, especially those for the disabled persons. In fact most of the rehabilitation centers are not assessed and accredited. This causes a very negative result for the rehabilitation of the paraplegics, quadriplegics and persons with severe kinetic problems because there aren't any steady and checked methods and standards. Because of this, the rehabilitation time and results aren't always the expected.

It is necessary to spread the message of the rehabilitation centers' assessment and accreditation to improve the quality of the given services.

Kaizen, TQM and six-sigma are elements of the Western modern business management. The continuous improvement is also part of the medical system. The new European countries have to integrate into the new European and International reality which demand a new prospect of business administration and health services' offer.

There are four accreditation organizations, one on European level like EQRM (which is member of EDF) and three on US and International level like CARF, ISO and JCAHO.

We have to approach these organizations and cooperate with them and the above mentioned rehabilitation centers and hospitals to share our knowledge and create links which result to a better rehab for the disabled. This will help the individuals and organizations but also the governments to avoid all of the undesirable results and the differences between the given health services.

It is necessary for FIMITIC to examine the mentioned subjects by collecting all the necessary data to persuade the apposites with epicheiremas to be aware of the new reality if they want to become or stay competitive and give the best to their handicapped citizens.

What will be their benefits?

More socialized disabled person with less needs than today and, more incomes from abroad for the less rich countries.

View the presentation (PDF)

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