Taking Action on the International Day of Disabled Persons December 3rd, 2005

On this International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3rd, highlighting
the theme

“Rights of People with Disabilities: Action in development”

the International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability – FIMITIC –

is calling to all involved in disability related policy, systems and decision making processes that efforts on national and international level shall be undertaken to strengthen programmes, policies and strategies with practical steps in promotion of equal opportunities of human rights and participation in society, to make stronger commitment to implementation of the international human rights instruments and to increase public awareness of these issues.The rights of people with disabilities shall be ensured and considered in all development policy matters.

FIMITIC since its existence in cooperation with its members in the individual countries is taking opportunity to promote understanding of disability issues and mobilize for support policy makers, people with disabilities, actors and experts in the field of disability.

The call for greater government and agencies´ commitment to guarantee basic support in every aspect of life including the access to health services and rehabilitation facilities in order to achieve equal opportunities, equal rights and dignity of the disabled was unanimously recommended by experts who recently met at the international FIMITIC socio-political health seminar entitled “ Medical progress for everybody – requirements for a fair distribution of medical services”, of which the follow-up work in the area is a priority on the agenda.
Further information is available at the FIMITIC pageÂ….
FIMITIC Seminar reportÂ…

The observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons, declared in 1992 by the United Nations, is taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA.

For more information please visit the UN Enable page at http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/disiddp.htm