At its Annual General Assembly, 15 May 2004 in Warsaw, the European Disability Forum, the European umbrella organisation representing the interests of 50 million disabled people in the wider European Union, on the suggestion of the Spanish National Council, CERMI, adopts the following:
- Vigorously condemns the savage massacre committed on 11 March 2004 in Madrid, causing tens of deaths and civilian casualties, and expresses its shock, rejection and deep outrage at this inhuman and execrable act, contrary to any expression of humanity.
- On behalf all the representative organisations of disabled people and their families in the EU expresses its adherence to democracy, as a civilised convivial system, and to its values: freedom, equality, respect for all people, rule of law and peaceful settlement of disputes.
- Reaffirms its solidarity and support to the victims and their families suffering from this indescribable attack. Calls on public authorities and society for solidarity and support for the victims of the attack.
- Taking into account those disabled people that have been victims of this attack and many of those who have become disabled as a direct result of it, EDF asks the whole international community to mobilise against this inhuman, intolerable phenomenon, until it is completely eradicated, acting as non violent mediators, aiming at eliminating all destructive events against mankind and its culture.
- Calls on EU and Member Status to provide any mechanisms addressed to protect and to care those persons becoming disabled people as a consequence of the terrorist violence, and their families.
- Welcomes the proposal of the European Parliament to declare 11 March a European day commemorating the victims of terrorism.
- Calls on EU Governments to support the key role of the United Nations in sustaining the international consensus and mobilising the international community as a whole. Calls also on EU Governments to work to ensure universal adherence to, and full implementation of, the United Nations Convention on Terrorism.
- Decides to disseminate the present Resolution to all relevant stakeholders at National and European level.