The fourth session of the Conference of States Parties will be held at UN Headquarters in New York from 7 to 9 September 2011.
The Conference will include a high-level segment and general debate, as well as two Roundtables entitled “Realizing the CRPD through international cooperation” and “Ensuring effective and full participation in political and public life”. This session will also include an informal session entitled “Realizing the right to work”, as well as an interactive dialogue on the implementation of the Convention”.
During the Conference, an estimated 40 side-events will be organized by Governments, UN agencies and national human rights institutions, as well as non-governmental organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities that have been accredited to the Conference of States Parties.
A detailed list of side-events will be posted on the United Enable Website shortly. A day prior to the opening of the Conference, the Civil Society Forum will be organized by the International Disability Alliance with the support of DESA.