On July 11, 2003 the International Seminar on “Accessibility – a matter of
dignity for the whole society” took place in Bucharest, Romania.
This seminar marked the end of the second stage of the First Public Campaign
on Accessibility – “Towns for All” developed on national level in the period
between 2001-2005 by the Association of Persons with Neuromotor Disability from
Romania – AHNR.
Developed under the auspices of the European Year of People with Disabilities -2003, this stage of the campaign – focusing on making accessible all the public buildings, housings, outdoor environment and transportation – has been initially launched within 9 Zone Centers across the country (Arad, Argeº, Bucureºti, Caraº-Severin, Cluj, Hunedoara, Ialomiþa, Mehedinþi ºi Zalãu) succeeding with the support of the Association of Municipalities from Romania (AMR) to be extended to 21municipalities counties.
In the opening of the seminar the official Message addressed by Mr. Ion ILIESCU, President of Romania was presented. Beside Mr. Mark WENIG – Press Attaché of the Embassy of the United States of America and Ms. Mihaela PARASCHIVESCU – PAO Assistant of the American Embassy, Mr. Pierre POUPARD - UNICEF Representative in Romania, Mr. Dinu PANAIT – Counsellor of the Minister of Transportation, Constructions and Tourism, Mr. Constantin STOENESCU – President of the National Authority for Persons with Disabilities, representatives of governmental bodies and nongovernmental organizations from Romania, the seminar was honoured by the presence of the Executive Board Members of the International Federation of Persons with Physical Disabilities – FIMITIC - namely by the presidents and vice-presidents of the national organizations of persons with disabilities from Austria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. Present were also representatives of the Society of Disabled People in the Republic of Moldavia - SIRM - (member of FIMITIC).
17 speakers from Romania and from abroad exposed alternatively the situation of accessibility in their countries.
Through this Campaign we succeeded to:
These results demonstrated that Romania could become an accessible country for persons with disabilities in the coming years.
Ms. Marija STIGLIC, President of FIMITIC, presented to AHNR the FIMITICÂ’s Gold Medal in recognition of the associationÂ’s contribution for promotion of civil rights of persons with disabilities in Romania and of outstanding achievements in the socio-political sector by the successful imposition of high standards of professionalism in the realization of all its programs initiated to integrate persons with disabilities into society on national and international level.
The Manifesto of Accessibility – adopted by the member associations of AHNR
and the Association of the National Network of Information and Collaboration for
the Integration in the Community of Children with Special Educative Needs from
Romania (A-RENINCO-R), partners within the project “Towns for all” –
presented at the end of the meeting was agreed by the International Federation
of Persons with Physical Disability (FIMITIC), by all nongovernmental
organization of persons with disabilities, specialists and experts participating
in the seminar.
Press office of AHNR