Sympathy and condolence with the Spanish people
Bonn, Germany, 12 March 2004
On the occasion of the deadly coordinated terrorist bombings in Madrid the FIMITIC President Marija-Lidija Stiglic approached the President Emili Ramón Figueras Masip of the Spanish member association PREDIF (National Representative Platform of Physically Disabled Persons), with the following letter of sympathy and condolence:
Deeply shocked by the tragedy caused by the current series of cruel assassination attempts in the heart of Spain whose magnitude has caused considerable loss of life and extremely severe damages to the citizens and the country’s general infrastructure with obvious repercussions on the national economy and health situation, personally and in the name of FIMITIC, its Executive Board and members I am expressing full solidarity with the suffering Spanish people.
I hope that the relief, aid and support needed will be provided soon to overcome the personal crisis of the worst affected and to rebuild the destroyed environment.
FIMITIC is opposed to any violence because violence creates suffering for all people and creates additional disabilities.
The respect for human life demands to avert any type of violence, which impacts the daily life of people, and ends in fears, chaos, instability, injury, disease and disability.
The prevention of terrorism must therefore be placed in the centre of all global endeavours of parties concerned to take effective measures to counteract this disastrous development.