FIMITIC, the International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability, deeply concerned with the military escalations in the Middle East and violation by all parties in the conflict, herewith strongly
Reaffirms its commitment to the Geneva Convention on Human Rights
Condemns anywar because wars create suffering for all people and create additional disabilities
Realizes the extremely difficult situation for all victims of the cruel conflict, their suffering and death of the civilian populations
Expresses grave concern about the outbreak and escalation hostilities in Lebanon and Israel, it’s cynical, misplaced annihilation and mutilation of human life, and the continued violence and degrading treatment of any human being in the name of religion, race or creed
Recalls its dedication of striving towards equality of life for all people on earth with special focus on persons with disabilities in need of disability related urgent and secure access to care at facing new risks from escalating violence
Deplores the failed diplomatic efforts undertaken up to present
Urges all parties concerned to put an end to the violence and its consequences and to immediately resume negotiations now with view to reaching a peaceful solution in conformity with international law and respect of human dignity under coordination and responsibility of the United Nations
Bonn, August 04, 2006