Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons Associations (CUPDPA) programme in 2003 - European year of Persons with Disabilities
The Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons Associations (CUPDPA), which has a network of 53 local associations with 11,500 members, has already undertaken or plans the following activities as per FIMITIC questions:
1. Specific initiatives, communications/media campaigns of your association for events/actions in the EYPD?
The picture book "Children's Etiquette or how to be friends with everybody" for pre-school and elementary school children has been translated into English. The book teaches children how to behave toward persons with disabilities showing tolerance and respecting differences. This will be the Croatian contribution to European countries.
EYPD was on the agenda of the CUPDPA presidency meeting and a letter was sent out to all local associations (53) with instructions for emphasizing EYPD and putting the rights of persons with disabilities on top of the agenda.
We are establishing new associations in the parts where there are none now - the Adriatic islands.
2. Initiative to influence your Government to involve discrimination against people with disabilities in its political agenda – Round table "Disability as a social responsibility" was held with participation of the highest Government representatives, who took up the commitment to precipitate passing the legal acts, which are being prepared for discussion, and conducting a survey of the situation of people with disabilities in Croatia. Another round table "Equal rights for persons with disabilities", foreseen for the end of this year, will be devoted to eliminating one of discriminations present in Croatia - differences based on disabilities.
3. The coordinating committee for EYPD was founded only on 18 November 2002 though CUPDPA initiated its formation in April 2002. The program designed by the coordinating committee was adopted at the meeting of the Government commission for persons with disabilities in Croatia on 6 February 2003. CUPDPA president is the chairperson of the coordinating committee as well.
4. Activities funded by the Government: Part of the activities of the EYPD marking program and reviewing the accessibility of social welfare and health care centers to persons with disabilities.
5. Specific campaigns or events in your country for 2003:
Production of posters and flyers, two round tables, a convoy from Vukovar to Dubrovnik, a theatre performance by people with disabilities of Vinkovci, as a gift of people with disabilities to Croatian citizens, two concerts of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and the world-famous ensemble LADO.
Besides the planned activities, a number of events will be organized by 1000 Croatian associations of persons with disabilities. Information about these events will be available from the web sites of these associations and the Government committee for persons with disabilities.