The complete minutes of the General Assembly will be soon available on the Members’ Only website. In the meantime, here there are a few highlights of this year’s AGA.
- Mr. Klaus Lachswitz from Germany was elected as Board member from national councils.
- Adoption of an emergency resolution on the economic crisis in Europe and the need to adopt long term policies, in particular the Disability Pact as part of the Europe 2020 strategy.
- EDF triennial strategy (for the next three years) was adopted unanimously, together with the EDF communication strategy. It is now on our Members’ Only website under General Information section.
- The EDF Work Programme 2011 was briefly discussed, and it remained that members would send their comments by August.
Have a look at the photos from the General Assembly online here.
A Board meeting took place before the General Assembly, mainly to prepare this annual event.
The main decisions taken were:
- The Action Plan of the Women’s Committee would be adopted by written consultation;
- Support Amnesty International petition on Anti-discrimination Directive
- Unanimous adoption of the candidature of Ana Pelaez, Chair of EDF Women’s Committee to EWL Board of Administration, and Gunta Anca her Alternate, would submit the recommendation to the GA for their final approval.
- The Board unanimously agreed to submit the proposal of the 2011 Work Programme to the General Assembly for discussion, and to submit the document to written consultation until the end of August to EDF members. The Board in November would then agree upon the final version.
- Seminar on NGOs alternative reports to the UN -
- It was agreed that a short description of all donors with whom EDF has signed contracts with IDA would be provided to the next Board meeting, and that the financial management of IDA would be part of the interim accounts presented at next meeting.
- The Board agreed to support the European Award for Accessible Cities, initiated by the European Commission starting with this year; members are encouraged to take part in the selection process at the national level. A letter will be drafted in order to set the framework of collaboration between the EDF and the European Commission.
- Next Board meeting will take place in Brussels, on 20-21 November, that would follow the Belgian Presidency Conference on the UN Convention of the rights of people with disabilities (18-19 November), to which Board members will be invited to attend.
Read more on the Board meeting in the minutes posted on the Members’ Only website, under Board section.