On Friday, 22nd of August 2008 the Local Council of Arad City gathered to a festive meeting on the occasion of the Days of Arad 2008, in order to confer distinctions to personalities with extraordinary achievements in the social and art domains. The Diplomas were given by the Mayor of Arad City- Mr.Gheorghe Falcă and the two Vice-Mayors – Mr. Ovidiu Marian and Mr. Levente Bognar.
To this event have been invited local officials, representatives of different religions and official representatives of twinned cities from: Gyula (Hungary) and Zrenjanin (Serbia) as well as Her Excellency the Ambassador of Romania in Hungary.
The Title PRO Urbe was given post-mortem to Mrs. Monica Antoci for her extraordinary activities for the protection of persons with disabilities.
On this occasion, Ecaterina-Ani Jager – Secretary General of AHNR offered the Mayor of Arad City two very important books published “in memoriam Ioana Monica Antoci” by the Ministry of Education, the UNICEF Representative in Romania and RENINCO Association from Romania.
“Steps towards inclusive education in Romania” and “Collection of good practices regarding the educational inclusion of children with severe disabilities” are based on the experience, work and ideas of Monica Antoci .
On the 2nd of September 2008 the 2 years memorial requiem from the lost of Monica Antoci will take place in Arad, Romania. May she rest in peace !
Translation of the Award
The City Hall of Arad County
The Local Council of Arad City
Confer post mortem
The title pro urbe
Monica Antoci
As recognition of her extraordinary activity developed in the domain of charity and social protection of persons with disabilities.
Arad, 22 August 2008
Gheorghe Falca, The Mayor of Arad City