Vác, Hungary, February 16, 2010 - It is with great sadness that we have to announce that Albert Caminada has died on February 16, 2010, in Vaduz. The funeral took place on last Friday.
Albert Caminada was 88 years old. He is survived by his wife Emmi, two daughters and three sons, seven grandchildren and three great-granddaughters.
The FIMITIC Board extends its most sincere condolences to Albert Caminada´ s family and to the leaders and members of the Liechtenstein member association.
The sudden loss of our estimated colleague and friend is devastating.
Since his death was announced tributes have been paid already by many of the people who knew him or admired his work.
Latest activity field level in 1983 - Chief Executive Officer of the Howalwerk company, Vaduz
Disability related activity:
Albert Caminada was a great personality with social engagement and exemplary character at the forefront of the fight to improve the life of disabled people. He was not only a valuable positional leader but a cherished cooperative colleague and friend cross borders, servant with knowledge and expertise. He provided tremendous energy to the community confronted with challenges of the increased awareness changes in the society. His diplomatic approach was considerable to the decision-makers on national country members´ and on international level – at United Nations as well as at the European Union and the European Parliament – to make sure that FIMITIC´ s voice was heard at the right moment.
His personal engagement was effective by launching direct humanitarian actions for survival and integration of his friends, the disabled fellows during the war in the Balkans.
Same time he knew himself by increased personal physical disability very well about hindrances in the everyday life of people with disability.
However, even at a ripe old age, loosing his sight, he was interested in and well informed on the development of FIMITIC and disability policy issues.
He attached great importance to FIMITIC´ s history, work and achievements, is author of a Book of Chronicles on the occasion of FIMITIC´ s 40years anniversary in German language and presented a forward looking document of ideas and visions related to the future of the International Association in 1995.
We lost a devoted fighter for the human rights of disabled people.
May you rest in peace, Albert!
We promise that we will keep fighting and what we want to say:
Thank you very much, dear Albert!
We will remember you!
Condolences can be sent to
the e-mail address of the LBV Secretariat at info@lbv.li and/or to the postal family address:
Emmi Caminada
Im Güetli 6
FL - 9490 Vaduz