ANMIC (National Association of Disabled
and Civil Invalids), <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns =
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The Central Committee, the Assembly of the Regional and Provincial Presidents of ANMIC gathered in Rome on 2, 3 and 18 September, and after having considered that the attempts have been useless to be able to meet the President or the Vice President of the Council of the Ministers and the Minister of the Social Affairs herewith are illustrating them the appeals of the civil invalid, represented by the ANMIC (D.P.R. 23/12/1978)
in the imminence of the issue of the Financial Law 2004
- thinking to not accept the absolute
indifference that the political class shows towards a category belonging to the
Italian civil society;
express their disdainful disappointment;
in particular to be considered negatively and unacceptable:
the missed adjustment of the pensions of civil invalidity to the new minimum
level, concerning only a little number of invalids, aged more than 70 years,
already admitted to the social pension, and 60 years old, if total civil
the missed employment of the
surplus concerning what above mentioned, instead diverted toward others,
appreciable sectors of social life;
the new reduction of number of "supporting teachers", that has weakened the
important function of the scholastic integration;
the last cuts to the Fund for the Social Politics, that have determined a
reduction, for the Regions, of the activity in the working services in favour of
the disabled persons
the missed expansion of the program "After us"
- the missed refunding of the Law number 13/89 for the elimination of the architectural barriers.
On the Proposal of Law N.2166:
the Proposal of Law number 2166, elaborated by the Committee founded from the
XII Commission of the Social Affairs of the Chamber of the Deputies, for the
institution of the National Fund for the support of the "not self-sufficiency", whereas it
is anticipated that it must be also fed by the amount of resources destinated to
the "over 65" indemnity; ANMIC thinks, instead, that it is necessary to apply
for a financing project, guaranteed by the State and not against the civil
disabled, staying the possibilities to apply an obligatory public insurance or
the general taxation.
agree with
the definition of all the important details of the operation submitted to the adoption of an inter ministerial "rules".
Law 328/2000
underline the missed realization, till today, of the delegation from article 24
on the integrated system of services and social interventions, whose terms have
been excessively postponed. This article pertains, as known, the rearrangement
of the civil invalidity; particularly important and urgent is the reference of
the rationalization and simplification of the check procedures of the civil invalidity and concession of
the economic benefits, as well as the revision of the same criteria of control
and evaluation, in consideration of the delays, the discrepancies and the
irrationalities contained in the actual discipline.
Particular importance is also demanded to achieve an harmonization of evaluation criteria, at least in the assistance area, concerning disability, considering that, in the actual situation, there are four types of evaluation including the one derived from the realization of the Law 328/2000.
False invalids
proposed restrictions over the invalids, connected to the increase of the
economic benefits and the appeals of recognition of civil invalidity, is a
refrain repeated on every Financial Law.
we tried to let understand that the increase is due primarily to the
acceleration gives from INPS or from the Communes, where delegated, to managing
the heavy behind existing; to the phenomenon of the aging; to social and
economic causes (poverty of the families, working placement, obtainment of other
facilitations and benefits). From the sever controls of the Minister of Economy,
through its own Commissions of verification, we have not particularly meaningful
data, relatively to the percentage of revocations intervened during the years
2000 (in the last year the percentage results around 9%).
we thinks that from 1990 to 2000 the average of the revocations, in comparison
to the effected verifications, has been of 19,48%, with a maximum share in the
first years of the 1990 of 30 - 32%, the actual situation, if referred to the
presumed false invalids has to be positively considered.
We have not to forget that over 70% of the judicial recourses, against the over mentioned revocations, achieve the annulment of the same. This data has been confirmed by a Commission founded by the Minister of the Treasure, Amato, following the denunciation of the President of ANMIC, in occasion of the "International Conference on the disabled People in 2000".
Law N.68:
working placement more and more becomes a mirage.
arouses particular indignation the article 14 and the article 22 of the decree
of realization of the "Law Biagi", that twist the article 12 of the Law 68 not
foreseeing the direct assumption to indefinite time of the disabled person from
the employer, but sharing a big part of this, to the obligation of assumption
through the Social Cooperatives of type B, in which the disabled workers would
stay, ditching the philosophy of the
working placement and the integration of the disabled inside the ordinary
job market
Being things in that way
Central Committee and the Assembly of the Regional and Provincial Presidents of
ANMIC, consider entirely unacceptable the operation of the Government and the
outstanding reactions to the proposals made by ANMIC, and that should embody
within the end of this year, which is coinciding with the European Year of
People with Disabilities 2003, proclaimed by the European Union, and even during
the Italian EU Council Presidency.
Rome, 18 September,