Activity Report - SIRM - Moldavia - 2002

Societatea Invalizilor din Republica Moldova - SIRM<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


In the curriculum for the year 2002 a major attention was paid to the organization of the “Alliance of Nongovernmental Organizations for Social Protection of People with Disabilities”. Twelve nongovernmental organizations adhered to the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Alliance.


During the same year the Alliance became a full fledged member of the “Network of Nongovernmental Organizations in the Sphere of Protection”, members of which are other organizations activating in different social areas.


The mission of the Alliance is to gather the endeavours of the associative sector in the social field and to stimulate partnerships between nongovernmental organizations and the governmental sector, in this way contributing to the promotion of coherent social policies in the sector, of legislative deeds and strategies.


In the year 2002 the Alliance was chaired by the SIRM and it centred its actions on four chief goals:

1.      the constitution and fortifying of the Alliance

2.      the establishment wits state structures

3.      the participated  in the elaboration of the legislative frame work in the social field

4.      the presentation of the accomplished activities of the Alliance


The Alliance participated  efficiently in the elaboration of the strategy of Economic Ascending and Reduction of Poverty and in the performance of the Governmental Group involving the protection of people with disabilities in the year 2002 the Alliance had a significant to the elaboration of the legislative framework in the social field by participating to in the sessions of the Group for elaboration of the Law concerning  Social Assistance and the Law for Social Protection of People with Disabilities.


For the constitution and affirmation of the Alliance we were activating so that to obtain financial support from the Project of the Resource Centre that has realized a file of the nongovernmental organizations from the field of Social Protection for People with Disabilities.


SIRM together with the Alliance and with the Assistance of the Soros Foundation in Moldova initiated the project “Development and Strengthen of Active Nongovernmental Organizations Capacities in the Field of Social Protection for People with Disabilities” that is financed by the European Commission within the Program “The European Initiative for the Democracy and Man’s Rights”.


Among our activities we can mention our participation as partners in the project “The Integration of Physically Disabled Youth in the University Environment”.


Last year we presented a range of projects to different international organizations and we hope to fulfil them in the year 2003.


We appeal to the FIMITIC leadership for involving us in different projects held by organizations members of FIMITIC.