ILO Promotes Decent Work for All, Mia Väisänen, ILO

Presentation to Third FIMITIC Women Conference on
"Improving Quality of Life of Women with Disability"
Zagreb, Croatia, 8 - 7 November 2003

"TOWARDS EMPLOYABILITY: Equal Opportunities - Employability for Persons with Disabilities" - just published

Bonn,Germany, 17.02.2003

The International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability - FIMITIC and the Slovenian Member Association, the Federation of Disabled Workers of Slovenia have just published the report of the FIMITIC Congress 2001 in Prague, Czech Republic, with the main topic "TOWARDS EMPLOYABILITY  Equal Opportunities - Employability for Persons with Disabilities". The edition was published with the financial support given by the Slovenian Government Office for the Informatics.

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